This was my second Creative Morning, and have been looking forward to each and every one, hearing from creatives in the industry and leaving so inspired!
This morning at Second Home (side note, really cool building! Amazing layout right around the corner from Sheffield's Market), attended a talk by designer Stephanie Posevec. It’s great to hear from a designer who isn’t afraid to step away from their laptop and work with their hands to create beautiful illustrative work.
The lecture focused on #DearData, a collaboration with fellow designer Giorgia Lupi that's been made into a book coming out this month. This project’s mission was a series of hand drawn postcards to one another, North American and UK, experimenting with infographics and data collecting.
When I hear the word ‘data’, I think cold, hard facts. Posevec advocates for data being so much more! Information that starts as something small but becomes a conversation point to build on. Each postcard has an idea to record, specifically steering clear of data technology can’t record-how many times they’d hugged their loved ones, the number of times they laughed, etc.! It was lovely to see that emotional raw unrefined representation of those statistics in their adorable hand drawn work. How does one turn something so personal and priceless into a set of statistics?
Posevec had so many pearls of wisdom! For example, how imposing constraints (only draw things by hand, don’t use the colour purple or orange) initiates so much opportunity for pure creativity. Necessity is the mother of invention, after all.
So worth the early start, and I’ll be grabbing a copy of Dear Data when it comes out!