What triggered this personal brief was a visit to the exhibition ‘Into the Woods’ at the V&A. Seeing a black and white image of these slender trees in a haze made me think of the book’s protagonist, Detective Ryan and how even as the narrorator he admits to twist the truth and how by the end of the novel so many questions remainded unanswered. I was inspired for this brief to use watercolours to create that same soft faded look of the trees in the forest. My concept was ‘Blurred’, keeping in black and white. Handpainting in various brushes, paint thickness and strokes, I loved how each line really comes across as a tree trunk against the white backdrop. For the typography I wove the text in and out, like it’s walking through the trees, and kept the layout low and high to maintain that blank space of the forest.
For the mock ups, as well as the usual responsive design in digital format I included a page from the Audible website.
I always love the excuse to do something handcrafted for a project, and I’m really proud of how the blank space enhances the forest scene.